Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Find a Device on Your Network

There are a few reasons to know your connected devices' IP addresses. For one, it's invaluable in troubleshooting. After making sure your unresponsive device is actually plugged in, the next step will nearly always be to point your PC's browser at its IP address and make sure that something having to do with the device appears, such as a configuration page, or at least the device name. This leads to another reason: Often, a device's "home page"—what you see in your browser when you type in the device's IP address—will give you easier access to device options, and in some cases, more settings and extras.

How can you find the IP addresses of your devices? Through your router's configuration screens. In your browser, type in your router's IP address, then find the DHCP client table among the config screens (which vary by router brand). This table shows all devices connected (physically or wireless) through the router. If a device doesn't appear, make sure it's powered on. Not sure about your router's IP address? At the command prompt (Start | Run | cmd) type ipconfig and hit Enter. Note the router's address on the line that reads Default Gateway. —Mario Morejon

Comments :

2 comments to “Find a Device on Your Network”

Anonymous said...

good posting! thanks :lool:

Anonymous said...

thanks for your info, Mari Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa


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